Patio Fever offers exclusive pricing and services to trade professionals including builders, contractors, interior designers, architects, home developers, and professionals in the hospitality industries.
We encourage you to join our free Trade Program and take advantage of a permanent 10% discount on all products - even the products that are on sale. You will also enjoy tailored support for your business and a single point of contact to help you manage multiple customer projects. As an added bonus, you will receive access to exclusive trade only promotions and get all your orders delivered for free.
There is no cost to sign up - simply complete the following steps:
Benefits of creating an account include:
After your application has been approved, your sales representative will email you your unique discount code and his/her contact information.
Current members can choose to use their discount code to purchase online or place orders with their sales representative.
When purchasing online - simply use your discount code at checkout to get 10% off and make sure to select Free Shipping.
If you forgot your password, you can reset it here: Reset Password.
If you don’t know your login and password or you did not receive an email with your Discount Code, please email and request the information you need.